Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Paul is moving to Oregon!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Paul and Scott - beautiful rainbows!!! I haven't ever seen a rainbow in Hong Kong. Isn't that weird?!
After the usual rush to finish shopping and packing, Jenni took us to the airport and dropped us off. It was sad to leave her there and get on the plane with only two kids. But here we are, back in Hong Kong. This life is sooooooo different from Utah, I think I am two people (oh, maybe I'm schizophrenic). Today the air is clear and I can see islands way on the horizon past at least 15 huge container ships going in both directions. The sky is blue, but not the clear blue of Utah. And the humidity is a killer! Today I will crutch down to physiotherapy and spend an hour trying to regain some muscle and movement in my ankle and calf. Then as long as I'm in that part of the compound, I will go to the grocery store and buy nonperishable things that can be delivered to my apartment. And then I will go to the swimming pool to try to work on some endurance training. Then I will crutch back home. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I'm just happy that I'm on the mend in such a beautiful place! My goal is to be hiking the hills by November!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tom's and Kelsey's Wedding Site
Monday, August 11, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sunset from the deck
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Rainbow in Arizona
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Directions to Echo Basin
For map click "Echo Basin Ranch in Mancos, Colorado"
Directions to Echo Basin Ranch
From DURANGO - Go 27 Miles west on Hwy 160 until the large Blue and White Echo Basin Sign on your left. Turn RIGHT on Echo Basin Road. Drive another 3.5 miles to Ranch entrance.
From CORTEZ - Go 15 miles East on 160. After passing through Mancos drive another 2.5 miles east until you see the Large Blue and White Echo Basin Ranch sign. Turn LEFT on Echo Basin Road. Drive 3.5 miles to Ranch entrance.
From ALBUQUERQUE - Take I-25 North to Bernalillo. Go West on US 550 through Cuba to Durango. Follow directions above from Durango.
See you soon big baboon! See you later alligator!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
family reunion
Sorry it took so long to respond, but I finally responded!
Be aware that my home is 30 minutes from Echo Basin and is available to anyone if needed.
The cabins are furnished with sheets, pillows and bedspread. Functioning kitchen with fridge, stove and oven and I will bring a roaster oven. The cabins also have towels, but I am bringing my own.
1,1/2 bath per cabin
1/2 bath/A-Frame
You need to bring
inner tubes
treats/favorite drinks excluding water from cabin
swimming suits (pool by cabins)
mountain bikes
fishing gear
lawn chairs?
whatever else tickles your fancy!
Skelton Placement that may be tweeked when needed. I haven't listed all kids.
We will find places for everyone to sleep. If your child is not listed, you might think about bringing a sleeping bag. The two queens beds are in one room and may be used to accomodate kids.
Cabin 1
Queen: Mom
Queen: Jill/Mike
2 Queens: Kevin/Jen
bunkbed: Paul/Nancy
Cabin 2
Q : Maren/Brandon
Q : Jeff/Carole
2 Q: Lisa/Tim
BB : Christy/Carol
Cabin 3
Q : Jed/Angela
Q : Scott/Lyn
2Q : Joe/Tracy
BB : Nat/Simon
A-Frame #8
Queen: Dustin
Queen: Derrik
Bunk : Tim/Ben
Bunk : Brian/Christian
A-Frame #9
Queen: Nikki/Jana
Queen: Abbie/Cllie
Bunk : Lizzy/Carrie
Bunk : Jenni/Caitlin
Meals/I listed only the core family: spread the meals to accomodate others in family.
We have the cabins scheduled from Wednesday noon through Saturday noon.
Wednesday 23th
Lunch Scott
Dinner Carol
Thursday 24th
Breakfast Christy
Lunch Jeff
Dinner Jill
Friday 25th
Breakfast Jeff/Mom
Lunch Christy
Dinner PAUL (correction)
Saturday 26th
Breakfast Scotts
Lunch Paul
Mom Hot Chocolate and cups
Paul Marshmellows
Jill Chocolate
Carol Graham Crackers
Carol Plates, napkins, silverware, cups
Paul/Jeff/Scott. . .maybe you could come up with an activity for the young kids?
Please respond if you see something I have left out.
Information about Echo Basin including map
Pictures are always nicer than reality. Echo Basin is older, but I think it will be just what the Abbotts ordered!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Details about the reunion?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The finished product
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Raindrops on roses....
It is crazy living on the 24th floor during a thunderstorm. We are in the middle of it! The lightning is right outside our window with the thunder following just milliseconds later. Now that I am up, I can see the lighting not only lighting up the apartment, but the jagged lines from the clouds up above to the ocean down below us. The barges must be safely docked because I don't hear their deep horns which I usually hear during a storm. I guess maybe the rain was too loud, because I just heard one. And another. It would be scary to be out on the water in this storm.
Tony is supposed to be flying to Taiwan this morning. He left in a taxi earlier than I got up. I hope he makes it!
A couple of days ago, Ben was praying and said, "we appreciate the rain, but we have had enough, so let it rain in Utah!" It has been raining for weeks now with no end in sight. It is the rainy/monsoon season. I'm glad we will be leaving the rain to come to Utah for the summer.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Tom's Getting Married
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Let Us Connect
Our family met in Denver for Memorial Day to catch up with each other's happenings and then bring Abbie's STUFF home from school. Dustin, living in Denver and working at CED, Jed living in Parachutte, Co. came with Angela, Zane 5 years old, Zoey 9 months, Abbie after 1 year at University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS). Tyler of course stayed at Seymour Airforce Base in North Carolinga (what a bummer).
We went to the Rockies (baseball) game against the New York Mets. They lost big time, but it was fun to be part of the crowd. It always surprises me the value we put with our sports in our country and the amount of money we throw into them. As I watched and knew how much money we spent, I realized we could solve world issues with that money. Just the money given to the players alone could solve world hunger. I too am a big fan of different sports, so I suppose I am part of the problem. Could we as a country change our focus and make a difference in our world?
Denver has a great aquariam we visited which allowed each of us to be kid all over again in a fantasy world for a few hours. The most exciting spot was the hurricane room. Dustin, Abbie and Zane stood in the front until it squirted water directly at them. Zane grabbed Dustin and pulled him to the side. Laughter is what clears the head and allows us pause in the moment.
Spending time with loved ones is what life is all about, being safe.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
Mom's Checkup today

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Mom on Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Mom's first night alone
Carol left this morning after breakfast and a walk. I stir-fried chicken and vegetables for Mom's lunch (she showed me the proper way to do it, Carol). We did a brisk walk and Mom is moving more securely and feels good being in tennis shoes instead of slippers.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tuesday at Mom's
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Carol to the rescue
Friday afternoon
Friday afternoon, just back from a walk around the entire block with Mom. First time she’s walked even half this far. We stopped to talk with any number of neighbors, all of whom were solicitous. When we got home, Mom changed into a t-shirt and went straight to bed.
That was our second walk of the day, and we’ll walk again before supper. It seems to me like Mom is getting stronger and more secure with what she’s able to do. She reads a lot, has a lot of visitors, does the crossword puzzle.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mom's looking good
After a good long week, Jill went home this morning. When I talked with her last night I asked her how the day went.
Crappy, she said.
Ask her for details.
When I got here this afternoon, Mom was up and talking with her neighbor who spent the day with her. She looked much more alert and happy than when I last saw her. She walked three times today outside, the last time with the physical therapist who came about 5 p.m. After dinner, she talked with Christy and Carol on the phone and is now reading in her room.
Seems like a good end to a good day after a much more difficult one. Thank you Jill!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mom on the day after Mother's Day
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Home from surgery
Friday, May 9, 2008
Mom has smoked her last cigarette
Both of these show normal spines, with open spaces for the nerves. The x-ray the surgeon showed me had the whole thing squished together, putting pressure on the nerves, which caused the pain.

Jill is with Mom today in the hospital, after a whole day and long night there with her. She reports that Mom is feeling good and has walked up and down the hall and up stairs and had breakfast and is basically feeling much better than yesterday after the fresh surgery (done between 7:30 and 9 a.m.) and after effects of the anesthesia made her very uncomfortable.
If you want to look up the surgery, it's called "posterior lateral fusion of lumbar 4-5." The surgeon also fused two higher vertebrae that were on their way to ruin. Here's a link to the general surgery (which includes a note about how fusing in more than one place can be troublesome -- hope the surgeon knew what he was doing):
And here's the smoking reference:
Smoking cessation. It is generally advisable to quit smoking prior to a spinal fusion surgery, as nicotine is a direct toxin to bone graft and will prevent the bone from forming.
Limited motion. Bone forms better if motion is limited, so patients are advised to avoid bending, lifting, and twisting for three months after spinal fusion surgery.
The occupational therapist, Florentina, was investigating Mom's possibilities and capabilities and the motions she routinely performs. She asked how, when Mom stood in front of her stove, to heat water for tea, for instance, how she had to turn.
I don't drink tea, Mom answered.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Love you all,
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Negro Volcano in Nicaragua
Now that I know I can do this, I am in! Love you all. Paul
Friday, April 25, 2008
Why do they call them "glacier lilies"?
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Mom's back

Just talked to Mom (Sunday night), and I gather that you all talked with her over the weekend as well. I tried to explain, after she said she had gone to church today, that it's going to church that is hurting her back and that studies show that churchgoing is bad for the back; but she wouldn't listen to me. I showed her this figure and pointed out that problems with the transverse process are a direct result of the transsubstantiation that goes on when the bread and water are blessed. Again, she just laughed.
As I'm sure she told all of you, she's worried about being alone if she has to have an operation. I explained that some combination of Jill and Carol and I could surely care for her, and there are grandchildren around as well.
So, we'll see what happens tomorrow.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sore Back
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Family Reunion: Echo Basin

Is that Jeff on the horse? Must be old pictures!

Hi everyone,
Mom and I have booked our family reunion and put down money to rent 3 deluxe cabins at Echo Basin, located between Mancos and Durango, Colorado. Our reunion will be from Wednesday July 23 through Saturday July 26. Think about how much money you can give to mom to offset her cost of the reunion. She has generously given money to all of us to have this reunion. We hope you will put these dates on your calendar and see us there in July. Call or write to me if you have questions or concerns.
Echo Basin Dude Ranch has been around for a while and is rustic to say the least. Updates have been on-going, and I think this will be perfect for us.
Here is a website about Echo Basin and the surrounding attractions we might enjoy.
Let me know what you think!